Friday, November 3, 2017

Old Friends

 A night out with our friend John,

There is something deeply special about a long and sincere friendship.  I have known my friend John and his dear, late wife, Linda since I was in my early twenties. They were my friends before I ever met my husband. When I was first dating Mike, both John and Linda embraced us as a couple inviting us to many dinners out, theater dates and to their annual Bloomsday fest in June.  In 1981 they were not able to attend our wedding because of a conflict in vacation plans. As good luck would have it they were in Kauai and we were going to be honeymooning there. We were able to meet up with them for a fun time of celebrating once again. Throughout the decades our friendship with John and Linda has been a staple in our lives. Our lives have been enriched by their company and comradery.  We have followed all their travel adventures as they ours. We have shared many wonderful as well as sad family occasions.   A friendship with such a long, shared history such as ours with John is a true gift.  We are so grateful for his presence in our lives. 

When I arrived at John's doorstep I announced "I made a pie for you!" Knowing that I love Key Lime pie he said, "Key Lime?"  I said "No, Lemon Ice Box!"    He responded in his typical quick manner, "Even Better!" 

Another wonderful evening amongst old friends! 


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