Sunday, December 17, 2017

Holiday Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun December 2017

 On December 13th my friend Sherri hosted a wonderful holiday cheer "Girl's Night In".  

 Her home welcomed us with warmth, light and love.

 Fireplace aglow

We all felt warm and cozy 

We are women ready to PARTAAAAY!

"I'll be there in  a Prosecco!" 

 We all loved Karen's Christmas bling.

Yummy treats started with appetizers

 Sherri made delicious chili and cornbread for dinner

Then there were gifts galore,


 and of course, mexican train.

" Look at our score card!"

 We love our deputy and sheriff.  They can never retire from their jobs! They keep law and order amidst girlish chaos.  We love them.

 Thank you Sherri, for a magical, fun and very holiday spirited girl's night in!

You are  our very own "Conductor of Light" !

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