Thursday, February 8, 2018

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "Take Me With You"

The book of choice for our February 7th meeting was "Take Me With You" by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

Our "Not Just About A Book Club" gathered in the conference room of our local  "Grounds Bakery".   

 Our scheduled hostess "Kathy" had to cancel because she is recuping from surgery. 
We all missed you Kathy!

 Grounds has great baked goods, coffee,

and yummy sandwiches.

After we ordered our food we were all set to discuss the book.

Many thanks to Lynda who provided chocolate treats for us.

I guess you can tell many of us were elementary school teachers.
We just had to "pattern" the chocolates on the table!

As always a joy to be together and to share the nicest conversations about one of our favorite past-times, the reading of good books.

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