Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Those High School Dances

 In the 1960's at my high school, we would have dances every friday night. These dances were held from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. in the school gym.  I loved those dances! I would sew a new outfit during the week to wear to the dance on friday.  Getting ready was  ritualistic-a total process which began  rolling my hair in rollers than finally teasing the hair up as high as I could get it then spraying with "Aqua Net hairspray" to keep this harder than a helmet hairdo from moving.  The preferred hairstyles in those days were: 
"The Bubble"

  "The Flip"

 and "the French Twist". 

 My perfume of choice at sixteen was "Topaze" by Avon.  

To this day if I get a whiff of Aqua Net or Topaze   I am instantly a teenager again.


I remember the nervous feeling when they would  announce  "Last Dance".  It was always a time when every girls heart skipped a beat.  Girls would  be huddled in a group together.  One girl would whisper to another, "He's walking over here now. He's going to ask you to dance." Then you'd feel a tap on your shoulder and if the stars were aligned just right you would turn around and it would    be the boy you liked standing there, asking you for the last dance.  

"Who would ask me to dance.

That was my biggest worry in those days."

-Sheri Gifford

Here's a typical last dance tune: "One Summer Night" by the Danleers

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