Sunday, January 27, 2019

Birthday Celebration "A Special Girl's Night In"

January 11, 2019
My friends Maria, Jo, Karen, Sherri, and Lynda overwhelmed me with a special Girl's Night In to celebrate my birthday. Unforgettable array of appetizers, drinks, special asian food from No. 9 spring and summer rolls, salads, and dipping sauces, fried shrimp and more yummy delights with cake and cookies too. Everyone wore "bling" in my honor but more importantly the room was filled with the light and love they wore in their smiles. I was certainly shown so much love and generosity of thoughtfulness. Thank you to these wonderful friends and a special thank you to Sherri who opened her home to host this party.

 A special thank you to my dear friend Sherri who hosted this fun night and to all my great friends who make life wonderful all through the year.  They are my gifts in life!

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