Thursday, January 24, 2019

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "Less" by Andrew Sean Greer

Our book club met today and had fun discussing Andrew Sean Greer's book entitled "Less".  The book focuses on Arthur Less, a writer with a small amount of success who is about to turn 50.  In order to avoid having to attend the upcoming wedding of an ex-lover he decides to accept a number of invitations to various writing centered events in far away places: Mexico, Italy, Germany, Morocco, India and Japan. Following Arthur Less on these travels is entertaining as we see him reflect on his past 50 years of life, re-evaluating where he has been and where he is currently.  Filled with humorous and clever writing there are many laugh out loud moments.   We all  agreed that it is not a book you can skim because the writer,  Greer throws in little treasures of beautifully written descriptions and comical circumstances. The reader must be aware of the written word for there are many a chuckle waiting to be read. 

As I hosted today's meeting I decided to have fun with our luncheon menu presenting food from the various countries Arthur visits. 

For Mexico I served : Jalapeno Cream Cheese Dip with organic Pepper jelly

From Italy Red Chianti wine and Venetian Pinot Grigio and Prosecco

From Morocco Mint Ice Tea, Orange and Beet Salad with walnuts and bleu cheese over arugula.

A Moroccan chicken pie in filo dough called "Bestilla" topped with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

Here I am sifting powdered sugar after the pie comes out of the oven.

It was a lot of fun to make!

For India I served mini Samosas(filled with chicken and indian spices)  and Aloo chat(pockets of dough filled with potato and chick peas)  with chutney

From Germany I made a simple "gurken salat" cucumber salad in sour cream. you can see a bit of it on the left bottom of this photo.
From Japan I served shelled Edamame

I had fun setting up for the book club luncheon. 

 The guests arrived at 11:00 a.m.

 Donna and Sherri
Karen and Jo

We toasted with Mimosas

 During and after lunch we had a lengthy discussion about the book.  The consensus was it was a fun and entertaining read. We had some laughs about the many adventures of Arthur Less and tried to imagine what a movie based on this book would be like.

Dessert was a Mandarin Orange and Pineapple cake.  We celebrated Karen's upcoming birthday.

"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." George  A. Moore

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