Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Remembering Bernard Kester "Celebration of Life" January 14, 2019 LACMA

Bernard Kester taught for nearly four decades at UCLA, serving as Chair of the art department (1972-1975) and acting Dean of the arts (1987-1991). Among his many accomplishments (along with his years at UCLA ) was his position as curator and principal exhibition installation designer at LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art from 1981 to 2011 as well as a multitude of organized exhibitions at the Contemporary Craft and Fiber Art (Aka The Egg and I gallery), Pasadena Art museum, J.Paul Getty museum. In his 90 years he was a great contributor to the Arts and in particular to bringing the art of fiber and off loom sculptural weaving to the forefront in the art world in the early 1970's with his 'Deliberate Entanglements"
groundbreaking exhibition in 1971. It was at that time that my life took on a new path as I began graduate work for a Masters degree in design, specifically working with Bernard Kester in exploring weaving and 2-3 dimentional woven sculptures. I met the most creative and talented young artists who were my peers and who became my life long friends. We were all most fortunate to have been part of Bernard's flock. He held each of us to the highest standards, and opened our minds and creative spirits in ways only he could do. He was unique and dapper, charming and disarming and left an indelible mark on everyone who ever had the opportunity to be in his presence. The Celebration of his life brought people from every aspect of his life in the arts together. For me it was a special reunion with some of my dearest classmates Daniella Woolf, Yael Bentovim Burkes,   Kris Dey and others. May you Rest In Peace Bernard Kester. You devoted your life to the Arts and you inspired and guided so many as a teacher. You were and will always be unforgettable.

 Large off loom woven piece Francois Grossen

 Two environmental pieces by Daniella Woolf

 Wrapped wall hanging by Kris Dey

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