Friday, February 8, 2019

The Never Ending Birthday Celebration

My friends Mitra and Marion planned a very nice belated birthday celebration for me.  On February 6th they took me to lunch at L'Opera in downtown Long Beach.

After lunch we went back to Mitra's house where she played French Music and we ate desserts, watched a slide show that Marion made of all the fun adventures we  three have experienced together through the past years.  It was a wonderful afternoon. 

 A little surprise for Mitra (our Paris loving girl) from my friend Mary.

 A wonderful look back on times spent together with our "tre stagioni".

then we ended the day with a late afternoon movie, "Stan and Ollie" which was befitting for us since it focused on enduring friendships. 

Grazie Mille Marion and Mitra for such a thoughtful and loving celebration. 

I'm very fortunate to have such dear friends. They are the 
Spring and Fall to my Summer.

 "Tre Stagioni Sempre!" 


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