Saturday, March 9, 2019

Festival of Authors 2019

I've now attended the Literary Women's conference festival of authors for many years. The conference for 800 attendants is seating on a first come basis. My friends know I'm type A and though it is not necessary to always be first I go exceedingly early to get a good table. Every year I'm second in line to this woman Susan. Through the years we have become friendly. She's shared stories of her son an aspiring actor who each year has become more successful in getting good parts. Last year he had three wonderful parts, one the good scientist in Shape of Water,a journalist in The Post and the lovely father in A Beautiful Life. One year for the first time ever I was the very first in line and Susan asked me sort of jokingly but seriously "Would you mind if you trade places with me? I've always been first and I dont want to break my winning streak! " of course I said and we both laughed. Yesterday I arrived to be fifth in line and as soon as Susan spotted me she was waving her arms excitedly to come join her. I did go to say hi and she said these other ladies understand you need to be second! Then she placed her hands on her hips and scolded me "What's the matter did you oversleep today!" She's very funny and my type A twin!

 Image may contain: 2 people, including Jocelyn Yamadera Cassano, people smiling, people standing

 Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

 Image may contain: 2 people, beard and eyeglasses

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