Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Iao Valley

Beautiful Iao Valley located a short drive from Wailuku has a lost place kind of feel. Stunning views of rolling clouds, towering green cliffs and ocean views from the west end Maui mountains. It is a special place not only for its spectacular scenery but also for its spiritual value.

 Image may contain: mountain, sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

 Image may contain: one or more people, cloud, sky, mountain, outdoor and nature

 Image may contain: text

 Image may contain: one or more people, sky, cloud, mountain, tree, outdoor and nature

 Image may contain: mountain, sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

 Image may contain: text that says 'Na A (Sacred Place of th rom the highest peak of Pu'u Kukui to the shoreline of Kahului Bay, the ahupua'a (land division) Wailuku was a favorite place of ali'i (chiefs) and a ruling center of Maui. Tao Valley is part of this ahupua'a. As one of Maui's most important political centers, many battles took place here. Wailuku translates as the "waters of destruction" and refers to its history of battles and floods.'

 Image may contain: mountain, sky, plant, outdoor, nature and water

 Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor, nature and water

 Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor, nature and water

 Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, outdoor, nature and water

 Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor, water and nature

 Image may contain: sky, cloud, mountain, plant, tree, outdoor and nature

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