Friday, May 3, 2019

I Won A Great Prize

I want to thank (Pauline Kenney the founder) for sponsoring this wonderful contest and for establishing a travel site where anyone can access great travel information. (if you don't know this site already please register and become an active follower.You can post questions on any aspect of travel/questions/find accommodation and food recommendations, read travel reports etc.) I also would like to thank all the prize donors and especially Nora Kravis of Chianti Cashmere Goat Farm for donating her prize "Shepherd for a Day". This is the prize I was fortunate to have won! I will be posting photos this summer when our adventure in the Tuscan countryside takes place. I had my eye on this prize the moment I read "Goat Farm in Tuscany" as my grand-daughter Sofia is an animal lover with a keen love for Goats! This is going to be such a great day for our family.
Slow Europe Winner #10 has selected their prize - a day with the goats at Chianti Cashmere Goat Farm in Tuscany! It is called "Shepherd for a Day" and includes a day-long trek with their herd of Cashmere Goats, wine-tasting, wholesome farm lunch in the garden, and more!

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