Monday, May 20, 2019

Ohio Puzzles and Memories

We finished the puzzle of Ohio last night. Actually Mike did most of it. He was really enjoying seeing places of his childhood. When he saw "Squires castle" that conjured up Summer's at the Y camp and funny stories about his dad and mom as counsellors with the whole family ( 5 kids ) spending a grand two weeks at camp. While Mike's mom was the quintessential homemaker of the 1950's and led the arts and crafts at camp, his dad was a captain of the local Lakewood Fire department and he led camp outdoor activities and lots of fun adventure walks. Many wonderful memories made in what was an ordinary yet extraordinary Midwestern family life of that era.

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 PS As  I worked on the challenging  "Ohio" puzzle I thought it's so pictorial Mike should be really good at this one and also the fact that he is from Ohio I thought it would be especially interesting.  I was complaining that I needed his help and he said I was spoiled because I've been cheating and doing 500 piece puzzles and this one is 1000. In truth I used to only do 1000, 1500 at the most but lately I've loved the 300 and 500 piece puzzles. It instant rewards. This one is going to take longer. I guess he is right. I am spoiled by instant gratification.

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