Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Daily Routine

 Image may contain: plant, table and outdoor

We are early risers here. Mike is up daily at 4 a.m. and is off to the gym by 5:00. I am up too but I don't get out of bed til I hear the front door close. I figure it's nice to let him have that time to himself. Then I love my morning ritual of curling up on the sofa, drinking a cup of tea and checking Facebook. I love to see posts from all of you. Lately it's been wonderful family graduations, and celebrations of every kind, or wonderful photos from friends traveling to far away places. I also note great losses or current worries of friends that are asking for thoughts and prayers. At those moments I stop and send out something positive to the great unknown asking for some light to help those in need. These days it's always dark outside when I get up. Within the first hour I watch the sunrise. My living room sofa faces out to Windows that look out to our back yard . I get a full view of the morning sunlight chase the nights darkness away. Today the sun is bright and beautiful against the large bottle brush trees. When I see this soft mellow light begin to cast its shadows across the green grass it makes my heart full and very grateful. And so begins this day...

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