Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How Do You Get To Be 4?


Here's a look back on  Sofia's 3rd year. I wish this time wouldn't go by so quickly.

Sofia's 3rd birthday Palazzo San Gervasio Italy 

June in Italy

 July in Dallas

                                                    Celebrating 4th of July

 August  fun with Auntie Athena

September a new t-shirt from Auntie Jocelyn

 October Some Halloween fun

 November Gramma and Auntie Jocelyn come to visit

December Sofia comes to California for Christmas

 Playing dress-up with Aunt Sandi
To the Natural History Museum to see Dinosaurs

January Sight seeing California with cousins from Italy

February  Gramma visits for Valentine's day

 We go to basketball games

 March winds blow

 April Easter Fun


June 5, 2019   "Happy 4th Birthday Sofia!"

A lot sure happened in one short year.  I think I told you not to grow so fast!

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