Thursday, July 18, 2019

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "Lost Girls of Paris"

 We had a great book club gathering today. The book our hostess chose was "The Lost Girls of Paris" by Pam Janoff,
 a novel loosely based on true events of  courageous women spies in France during WWII.   

 Here's our lovely hostess Jeanette.

 She loves pomegranates as you will see. (check out her apron)


Everything was beautifully arranged

 all the book club members arrived

 Great appetizers...

 more pomegranates...

 Jeanette's wonderful chinese chicken salad was a big hit!.

 Wine and

 Spritz's another big hit!


 Lunch was followed by a good discussion of the book.   Although many enjoyed the book a general feeling that this novel did not fully succeed in character development and had a pervasive underdeveloped story line.  Some in the group had read novels which focused on a similar theme and felt these were  better reads on this subject matter of women spies during WWII. "The Alice Network" by Kate Quinn was one which was very well received by many book members  and highly recommended.

  Dessert was served

 Jeanette presented some material she had researched about actual women spies of WWII.  One  real life heroine was Vera Atkins
who took on the role of a spy on the ground in France and   helped the British war efforts during WWII. The author Pam Janoff loosely based one of her characters in this book on Vera Atkins. 

 Many thanks to our hostess with the mostest Jeanette for a wonderful book club meeting.

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