Monday, August 12, 2019

A Goodbye Party For Kay aka Hello Kansas!

Many friends gathered today for an early morning breakfast to wish our dear friend Kay a grand new adventure as she moves from Long Beach to Kansas City Kansas. We are happy for you Kay but we will all miss you terribly. All the very best and be sure to come back to visit us!

 Image may contain: Kay Clark Pitner, smiling, sitting, table, drink and indoor

 Image may contain: 6 people, including Kathy Robinson, Jocelyn Yamadera Cassano, Merideth Joyce and Lynda Dowlen, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

 Image may contain: 2 people, including Lynda Dowlen, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

 Image may contain: Kathy Robinson and Jocelyn Yamadera Cassano, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

 Image may contain: 3 people, including Gayle Kornmann Manassa, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

 Image may contain: 3 people, including Maria M Harris and Merideth Joyce, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

 Image may contain: 9 people, including Gayle Kornmann Manassa, Lynda Dowlen, Kathy Robinson and Merideth Joyce, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

 Image may contain: Kay Clark Pitner, smiling, sitting, eyeglasses and indoor

 Image may contain: Kay Clark Pitner, smiling, sitting, table and indoor

 Image may contain: 2 people, including Gayle Kornmann Manassa, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

 Image may contain: shoes

 Image may contain: 3 people, including Merideth Joyce, people sitting, table and indoor

 Image may contain: grass, outdoor and nature

 No photo description available.

 No photo description available.

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