Friday, August 16, 2019

Grandma and The Teahouse of the August Moon

My friend  Anne of Nova Scotia posted a photo of the full moon recently, " The AUGUST moon." I commented to her that August moon always was beautifully poetic to me. In 1956 my maternal grandmother Miyoshi Jingu (She is the grandmother that lived and raised her family of 8 children at the Japanese Tea Gardens in San Antonio) began her movie career with a funny bit part in a comedy "Teahouse of The August Moon. A young Marlon Brando was strangely cast as a Japanese servant, Eddie Albert, Glenn Ford and several well know actors of the time starred. My grandmother,age 63 at the time had read in the local Japanese paper they were looking for an elderly women for a movie part. She applied,got the speaking part, joined Screen Actors Guild and began an acting career that lasted the last decade of her life. She came home every night of the filming of that movie with wildly funny stories. She would say "Today I rode on top of a truck piled high with boxes and people and a goat!" (You will see my grandma at the very top of this vehicle in the movie posters." A significant point was that she earned enough money from this movie to buy an airline ticket to visit her family back in Japan in 1957. It was the first time she returned home and was reunited with her sister and brother and their families since she had left Japan over 40+ years prior. The beautiful August Moon always reminds me of my grandma Miyoshi.

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 Image may contain: 8 people

 Image may contain: night and sky

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 Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, outdoor

 Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling

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