Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lucy's Recipe for Ricotta Cake

1 package Duncan Hines Golden Cake mix
3 cups (1 1/2 pounds) ricotta cheese Galbani preferred brand
3/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
4 eggs

Mix cake as directed on the package and pour into a greased 9x12 pan. Then mix remaining ingredients and gently spoon the ricotta cheese mixture over the top of the cake mix evenly.  When baking the cheese mixture will settle to the bottom of the pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until toothpick inserted into cake comes out clean. When cool dust with powdered sugar.

Note:  you can use lemon cake with lemon extract instead of golden yello cake mix and vanilla flavoring. I tried it with lemon but will next try it with golden cake mix and vanilla.

I served this with a bowl of peaches (I used frozen unsweetened peaches which I thawed) mix defrosted peaches with this glaze.
To make peach glaze: boil 3/4 c. of water with 1 cup of sugar til sugar dissolves. Reduce heat and add 3 Tablespoons cornstarch (dissolved in some cold water ) 1 Tblsp. lemon juice and 1 Tablespoon butter and pinch of salt. Stir over med. heat til mixture thickens. I let the glaze cool on stove top then add to fresh or defrosted frozen peaches and chill all in fridge til serving time.

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