Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

 We celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving 2019 surrounded by family and friends at my brother Randy and sister in law Barb's home. 

 We arrived at 3:00 after driving in pouring rain.  It was nice to arrive to a warm and cozy home. As usual Barb prepared plenty of appetizers including this cute turkey bread bowl and dip!

 Randy made home made salsa! 

 Our super host and hostess

 With all the gang on hand! 

Extra special treat to have Tracie, Yassine and Zane here for the holidays! 

 more appetizers...

 Uncle Mike loves his nephews!

 The time was at hand for the annual "Picture within a Picture" .We know you can hardly see that this is the 7th year but it doesn't matter.  It's tradition now and Ken you can never ever throw away that plaid shirt!

 Time to stuff ourselves- "Let's Eat!"

 Eat, drink and be merry and of course there's always football!

 Mary and David arrive just in time for dessert!

 Always room for Barb's jello

 We had kitty fun and

 kiddy fun! Zane is 4 1/2.

And of course there were lots of laughs and funny stories! 

 Another Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you so much Barb and Randy.


 PS And then there's this reminder! 

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