Monday, November 11, 2019

Packing For Dallas

I've been trying to pack a huge suitcase for my trip to Dallas on Friday. So far one half is full of things for Sofia and her parents. The other side won't be difficult nor filled. My backpack is filled with kids stuff too! I'm so happy my sister Jocelyn is coming with me. For a few days she and I will be watching Sofia while Aria and Daniele are at a conference in D.C. During that time Aria bought tickets for the three of us to go to the opening weekend of the Disney movie Frozen 2! Sofia is already talking about wearing her Princess Elsa Dress. (if you recall I gave her a Frozen bday party when she was here in June). I told her yesterday that probably the whole audience will be dressed like Princess Elsa and that someone would say "Will the real Princess Elsa please stand up!" And to this she said, "I'll stand up because I'M the real Princess Elsa!!!! (Isn't it great to be 4 and believe that.)

 Image may contain: 3 people, including Jocelyn Yamadera Cassano, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

 Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

 Image may contain: 1 person, child, hat and closeup

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