Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Family Feud Memory

This is really a throw back to c.1980-81 when my mom , her sisters and myself represented our Jingu family on the t.v, show family feud. This was the Polaroid they took of us on the day we auditioned: From L-R my mom Ruth, her sisters Rae, Helen, Mabel and me. I’m not sure why I was picked to stand in for the missing sister Lillian, The middle aunt Helen was a hoot always and she was hilarious at the audition. They said she should be the captain of our team but on the day of the filming my aunt completely froze so they said I was the captain. We had our fleeting 5 minutes of fame or rather shame and lost sadly to the other family!

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing

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