Saturday, February 22, 2020

Happy 103rd Birthday Helen


I've spoken many times about my mother's best friend Helen. Her birthday is March 2nd and she will turn "103 years old!" She is quite well and doing great. Since my sister Jocelyn and I will not be here for Helen's birthday we visited her for lunch today along with my brother Randy and his wife Barb and Joce's husband Vicente and Mike. Helen lives with her daughter Jill and son in Law Bobby. 


We had a wonderful day and gave Helen a big bouquet of flowers and Jocelyn made a cake.


  We worked on her jigsaw puzzle and she was able to finish her puzzle today.



We got out a box of her old family photos when she was little and lived in San Francisco. Helen's father was a professional photographer so there were plenty of great family photographs to look at. 


Her father came to America from Japan when he was quite young. He spoke and wrote English beautifully and kept a small notebook with sayings he collected that inspired him in his new life in the United States. As we looked at the photos I read aloud some of the quotes he wrote down in beautiful penmanship. Happy 103rd Birthday Helen! Your chipper outlook and your keen presence amaze us all. We love you dearly.



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