Thursday, February 20, 2020

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "The Library Book"

We had a wonderful book club meeting today hosted by Judy.  

 Judy set a beautiful table that centered on a library theme. 

 She even gave each of us a wonderful Central Library magnet.

There were 9 of our members present. We had all decided to wear something "red" to honor our book club member and friend Kathy who had heart surgery yesterday. 

 Thankfully her surgery went well and we look forward to her full recovery. Our prayers were answered. Can't wait to see you soon Kathy.

  This was the first book club meeting of the new year so we had fun seeing each other and catching up before lunch.

 Time for lunch


After lunch we had a great discussion about "The Library Book" and all of us shared so many thoughts on the book's characters, the extensive research the author did, interesting history of the Central library and it's impact on the community and the workers before, during and after the terrible fire that took place in 1986. 

We all unanimously liked the book!
Judy had a short video which she shared where many of the Central library staff and a firefighter shared their experiences during the fire and days and months following the tragic event. 

 Judy also planned a drawing for two prizes. We all signed   our  names on paper hearts and placed them in a basket.   Two winning names were drawn: Donna and Maria

 Donna won vintage Los Angeles Central Library greeting cards

And Maria won a lovely L.A Libraray Tote bag!

We all had such a great time at today's book club.

Thank you so much Judy for choosing such an interesting book for us to read.

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