Thursday, March 26, 2020

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "Never Have I Ever"

We had our first zoom happy hour book club meeting today at 5:00. Had to work through some kinks but it was just so much fun to be together. Mike helped me get on and there was so much laughing and talking at once trying to help each other that he said “are your book club meetings always like this?” Like what? I said “ Like a bunch of teenage girls at a slumber party. My response “Yup pretty much!” It was so nice to be together with my friends. The book we read was “Never Have I Ever” by Joshilyn Jackson. This mystery drama had lots of twists and turns and many surprises. A majority of thumbs up but I have to say not my favorite. That’s just me. A great fun happy hour discussion. Love my book peeps.

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