Saturday, March 7, 2020

Pre Easter Fun

Saturday we had so much fun with Sofia.  Jocelyn made us French toast for breakfast. 
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Then we baked cupcakes and Sofia frosted three of them for our dessert. 

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 When she finished frosting she held up the knife and said what should I do with this? 
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I said “you can lick it if you want.” That made her smile so big! 

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Then we dyed Easter eggs 

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and had a picnic lunch in the living room where we built a tent and a pretend campsite. 

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She loved it. I promised her after her nap we’d have an Easter egg hunt. Joce and I hid 12 plastic eggs and Sofia found them as we guided her with hints of “getting warmer, getting very hot” as she inches closer to finding the eggs. Then she insisted she hide eggs for us as she yelled “getting hotter, hotter and clapping yay good job when we found the eggs! A really fun day for us.

Sunday fun continues:
At home we used the left over dye to do water colors and painted over the eggs too. Then Sofia and I worked on her school memories scrapbook. Parents on their way home tonight. The sun is out on Sunday!

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“Auntie “Jocelyn prepares Easter egg hunt treats for Sofia’s weekend activities.

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