Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day Covid style 2020

It’s nearly midnight now and an end to one of the nicest Mothers days. Mike bbq’d the hamburger I had been craving and he made the most delicious potatoes in the air fryer. He suggested we make spritz’s with the Prosecco the kids had sent. A very good idea. The end of the day was beautiful and we took our daily walk at sunset. We watched “Forrest Gump” tonight and it was a perfect,thoughtful sweet film to watch. Mike had a failed attempt at making ice cream which he usually makes well. I said it didn’t matter as I had whipped cream to go with the apple crisp I’d made. Oh and during the day we had a nice zoom with Our Niece Amanda and many of her family members who wished her Congratulations on her graduation and then I had a long chat with Sofia. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer Mother’s Day under these shelter in place days. 





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