Sunday, May 3, 2020

Wanderlust and Thoughts of My Mother

Thinking about my dear mother today who I credit with my wanderlust. She told me I should see the world and asked me "Don't you want to go to Europe?" Me in my foolish unknowing youthful heart could have cared less. She opened a door to the world for me. Sent me with this white samsonite suitcase, Arthur Frommer's "Europe on $5.00 day guide book" and $300 to spend for 9 weeks travelling. I travelled with my two cousins and one other girl and we picked up a brand new VW hatchback from the factory in Germany that my uncle and aunt had ordered. We camped all over Europe. My viewpoint on life changed forever that summer of 1971. I made friends with people that are still my friends today and I saw places that awed and inspired me in ways I never dreamed possible. From that trip forward a burning desire to travel and see the world lives in my heart. Thank you mom for such a wonderful gift. ( oh and PS that $300 she gave me for 9 weeks, I came home with money! That will never happen again.)

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