Thursday, August 13, 2020

Babies Born in 2020

"Remember the year I was born mom.  The one when the world stood still. You said we stayed inside mom, to keep from getting ill.

Remember the year I was born mom. It sounds like a crazy time. People wore masks to the shop mom  and stood in a 6 foot line.

Remember the year I was born mom. We never made any plans. And when we did venture out mom, you were always gelling your hands.

Remember the year I was born mom, you gave us extra cuddles. We didn't get much grandparent time, until they introduced bubbles.

Remember the year I was born mom. It was hard but a special time. You might think we missed out mom, but all we needed was you.

So please don't be hard on yourself mom. I know sometimes you felt torn. We all formed an amazing bond mom, the year that I was born." - unknown author

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