Saturday, September 12, 2020

Things to Teach Our Children

  • How to write a letter
  • How to make a phone call
  • How to converse with an elder
  • How to play with a baby
  • How to sew on a button
  • How to genuinely apologize
  • How to hammer a nail
  • How to introduce yourself
  • How to notice the needs of others
  • How to care for a pet
  • How to select a thoughtful gift
  • How to admit a mistake
  • How to set the table
  • How to iron a shirt
  • How to give someone the benefit of the doubt
  • How to weigh pros and cons
  • How to have good table manners
  • How to make scrambled eggs
  • How to balance a checkbook
  • How to write a thank you note
  • How to do laundry
  • How to dust
  • How to read a recipe
  • How to vacuum the stairs
  • How to change a lightbulb
  • How to open,close, and lock windows
  • How to use a fire extinguisher
  • How to gardemn
  • How to fix something
  • How to plan a healthy meal
  • How to hang a picture
  • How to wash dishes
  • How to budget
  • How to wait and save for something
  • How to check tire pressure
  • How to ask questions and to get to know someone better
  • How to read a map
  • How to find a book in the library
  • How to seek counsel from someone more experienced
  • How to make a salad
  • How to make a smoothie
  • How to clean the refrigerator
  • How to clean the bathroom
  • How to clean the kitchen
  • How to address and stamp an envelope
  • How to write a check
  • How to refill a stapler
  • How to put air in a bike tire
  • How to pump gas
  • How to change a flat tire.

How to

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