Friday, October 23, 2020

Making Pita Bread

 Long ago when my girls were little we'd watch Mr. Rogers together. The part of the programming when they'd visit factories to see how things were made was my favorite part. For example it was so interesting to see how crayons were made or cardboard boxes. I thought of that yesterday in a very random way when I was rolling out the dough to make Pita bread. Yes it took time (which I have a lot of these days) but it was also a nice experience making this kind of bread and interesting too. When we started to eat Mike said "I wonder if we cut this in half there will be a pocket?" and sure enough there was. We filled our pita with homemade hummus, falafels, eggplant baba ganoush , eggplant caponata and a new recipe for roasted beet salad with fresh mint and pomagranate seeds. Now I appreciate even more how pita bread is made.  

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