Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas Card from Jocelyn

 So for those of you who know my sister Jocelyn well,  you know she is really witty, and hilarious. She has this shy, quiet demeanor which totally will fool some but honestly she is one of the funniest people on this planet. I just received her xmas card and it made me laugh so hard. The best part was the cartoon she pasted inside. A little background on the cartoon message: When our mom passed away we said that she would come back to visit us in the form of a monarch butterfly because in life she loved that butterfly. Often times when I'd be on the phone with Jocelyn a butterfly would pass by one of us and we'd say things like "I just saw mom fly by to say hi!" On the day that my dad passed away and we were at the memorial two monarchs flew by and landed on his wreath and just stayed for the longest time so each of us could see those two together. We said it was a sign from mom that said she and dad were together again. So now this card from Jocelyn today. Thanks Joce you really made me smile.



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