Saturday, January 2, 2021

Lessons Learned in 2020: Carpe Diem


 If 2020 taught me anything it was "Carpe Diem". So many valuable lessons learned by us all. This morning when I was talking to Sofia I said "Sofia it's a new year and that's so great. I think as soon as Gramma gets vaccinated I will be on a plane to come see you." Usually when we facetime she wants to immediately go into our play acting scenes but after I told her I'd be coming she said, "Gramma let's just talk about all the things we can do together when you are here." She began to tell me where she would take me: the library, the lake by her house and on and on. Then she said, "I think I could take you to that store Claire's by the mall because Gramma (and then she got very close to the camera and whispered "at Claire's they even sell jewelry!" That girl knows the way to gramma's heart! We had so much fun dreaming about being together. I hope it will be soon. (this picture from a year ago New Year's eve. )

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