Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Ma's Spagetti Sauce


On sunday night Mike's younger brother Rocky 

texted a photo of the dinner he made and said "I made Grandma's spagetti sauce".


 He also attached a 3X5 index card with the recipe titled "Ma's Spagetti Sauce" written in Mike's mom's handwriting. This brought back many wonderful memories of Christmas's and summer vacations in Cleveland and meals that Mike's mom Lucy would make. She was a wonderful cook and in the true Italian mother's tradition took pride in the meals she made for family and friends. I attach Rocky's picture of his meal last night. Lucy would use Pork ribs, lamb riblets, beef ribs and meatballs. A combo of any of the above and also sometimes Italian sausage and braciole. I remember big platters of the meat in a separate bowl and then she'd mix the sauce with the pasta and serve that in a separate big platter. That sent me on a trip down memory lane looking at photo albums. I attach a few from our Christmas home in 1981. We had just gotton married in August of that year. Lucy had made the traditional 7 fish Italian xmas eve dinner. 


the traditional 7 fish Christmas eve dinner

Nate (Mike's dad) played the banjo after dinner.


 In the back Florida room of their house Lucy kept trays of chocolates she had made as well as piles of tupperware filled with Christmas cookies and mini cheesecakes. When guests would arrive I would volunteer to fill up trays to serve to guests. This was my way of sneaking treats...one on the tray and one in my mouth. I was in heaven.


All the chocolates and more goodies in the Florida room
Opening xmas gifts
Comad with Grandma Costanzo were close family friends

Mary and Rocky

Grandma Costanzo

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