Sunday, February 21, 2021

Thoughts on a Sunday

 It is a beautiful Sunday here in Long Beach. We woke up in the wee hours before daylight. We have a ton of lemons on our tree and sweet blooming fragrant flowers. Thanks to my friend Sherri

who posted pictures of her lemons which reminded me that something so sour can be visually so sweet. 



 And thanks to Michaela who posted this quote about time. I’ve spent a peaceful morning reading in the sunshine and counting blessings for all the simple things we often take for granted. I thought about how good it felt to finally be able to play with Sofia without fear she was going to lose electricity. I was thinking about the ease we turn on a faucet to get drinking water. I want to think about the gift of good health and the gift of time. I hope your Sunday brings you a smile and sunlight in your soul.


"There is no 

"right time",

 there is just

 time and what 

you choose

 to do with it."



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