Saturday, April 10, 2021

Moving Forward


"We've Been Thinking...

As our world begins to wake-up, re-open, and re-imagine—so too,  can we. Remember, we get to move forward at our own pace regardless of what others say or do. So, breathe in. Exhale. You are okay.


As we look forward to life in The Open Field, let's look beyond the old and look to all we can do to get our lives to the place and space that we'd like. For us, that means looking within at our most important relationships—the relationship we have with ourselves and the relationships we have with others. 


We’ve noticed that many have family relationships that are complicated, fractured, or painful. It’s far more common than you might imagine. Our View Above the Noise this morning offers hope to those who find themselves for whatever reason in that place.


We here at The Sunday Paper always want you to come away feeling seen, hopeful, and less alone on your journey to The Open Field. That’s our mission, that’s our vision.


Happy Midweek. We see you. We’ve got you." - From The Sunday Paper by Maria Shriver

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