Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Talking Points for a 5 1/2 Year Old

 Please indulge me once more for a grandmother moment. I received this from my daughter yesterday and I just had to laugh. As you may know Sofia has practically grown up on a college campus. She has name tags that identify her which she proudly wears and her life has revolved around faculty meetings and supporting campus fund raisers, basketball and football games etc. In other words she is quite used to being around university students. Yesterday she and her 7 month old brother Rocco accompanied her parents to a meeting. At the meeting, while they showed a complicated flowchart of administrative contacts, Sofia raised her hand and said "um...what are we talking about? Is this diagramming sentences.?" Meanwhile her brother questioned "Flowchart what?" Sofia continues to make me laugh.


"Flow Charts? What's that?"

"I'd rather be flying!"

5 1/2 years old going on 25!

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