Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Celebrating Sofia's Birthdays

 June 5, 2015 Sofia was born on this day.

The next day, June 6th  at 4:00 I landed in Madison, Wisconsin and  I took a taxi from the airport straight to the hospital. 


June 2016 Sofia's 1st Birthday

I flew to Madison, Wisconsin to celebrate Sofia's birthday with her parents and their friends. Then the kids flew here so we could celebrate in California.


June 2017 Sofia's 2nd Birthday

 We celebrated Sofia's birthday in Italy with Sofia's family in Palazzo San Gervasio. 

June 2017 Sofia's   3rd Birthday

Sofia and her  parents celebrate with a Disney Character party here. She has a fun brunch with her favorite characters at Goofy's Kitchen. Then we fly to Italy for a fun vacation and party with her Italian family.


Celebrating 3rd Birthday with Nonno and Nonna 

 Sofia with her cousins

June 2018 Sofia's 4th Birthday 

Sofia loves the movie "Frozen" and asks for a Frozen cake so I make one for her. The California family celebrates together with Sofia and her family and then Grandpa Mike and I go with the kids to Italy for a 3 week vacation. We get to visit with Sofia's family in Palazzo and tour so many fun places. We leave them in Firenze where they begin their summer abroad teaching.



2020 Sofia's 5th Birthday

The first year we cannot be together for her birthday as everyone is home quarantining because of the Covid 19 Pandemic. Sofia's parents give her an indoor camping birthday party which she loves. Here they are in the pink tent we gave Sofia watching a video of all their family and friends wishing Sofia a Happy 5th Birthday.


 2021 Sofia's 6th Birthday

To be continued...I'm flying to be with Sofia for her 6th birthday. Shhhh she doesn't know I'm coming.  

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