Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Celebrating our 40th Anniversary Part 1

Yesterday morning Mike told me he had taken the day off and that we should leave the house around9:30. He had packed a simple picnic and we were going to drive south on Pacific Coast highway to my childhood favorite beach Corona Del Mar. I've talked about this many times. He says it's his favorite beach now. The morning was cool and overcast. We sat on the bluff and had our picnic. Later we hiked down the hill to the beach area and then we headed home around 2:00. The girls set up a zoom for 5:00 so we will get to see our daughters, son in laws and our grandchildren very soon. It will be the Long Beach, Dallas Australia connection. They had told us long ago to save tonight for a special dinner that they would arrange. We don't know what they are up to but "the elves have arrived and I can hear activity in our backyard. (They said close your shades and don't look in the backyard starting at 3:30.) I told Mike I don't care what it is we're eating I'm just so touched by their thoughtfulness.  

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