Monday, August 23, 2021

Little Did We Know




This is probably the first photograph of Mike and me together. It was taken 46 years ago around February 1975. I think the title of this could be “Little did we know.” We are sitting in my very first solo apartment. It was a two bedroom furnished apartment close to the Mormon Temple in West Los Angeles. The rent was a whopping $250.00. It was walking distance to Westwood and the UCLA campus where I had graduated the summer prior and now was working in the Physics department full time. Mike had just turned 22 and was entering his 2nd quarter of graduate study in that department. We had just discovered we lived a couple of blocks from each other. We did not know each other well at all. Sometime shortly before this photo Mike had walked over to my apartment from his place and knocked on my door. The door had a little window that you could open to see who was on the porch. I opened it and there stood Mike. He said, ”I thought we could have dessert together.” Thinking he meant we should go out to get dessert I said, “sure” and opened the door. There he stood with two paper plates, two plastic forks and two slices of ice cream cake. I stuttered “Oh you brought dessert” and I let me him in to my apartment for the first time. I have to admit it was that day I started to fall in love.
Today we celebrate our “40th” Anniversary. “Little did we know” how far we would travel through life together and the many rewards that travel would bring. Life continues to be filled with many discoveries that I hope we can enjoy together.

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