Sunday, October 3, 2021

Curbside Concert October 1, 2021


Friday night we had a "grand" time. My friend Isa hosted a curb side concert in front of her home. She said this:
“Box Seats” (Devereaux driveway)
“Loge Seating” (across the street)
“Orchestra Pit” (my gutter)


The concert featured Jordan Busa, violinist and graduate of Long Beach Poly High School. It was an hour of lovely classical and current musical pieces with special attention to many of Busa's favorite Bach compositions.


 Isa also served wonderful salty chocolate chip cookies by Butter Jam Bakery. 

The loveliest of moments on an Indian summer night. 



Thank you so much Isa for this wonderful evening. 

You know these days, especially when few of us socialize as we did before the pandemic, our appreciation for human contact albeit distanced, outdoors and masked really is a gift. Everything about last night was special. Isa you are really an angel of a treasured friend. Grazie mille.

“Without music, life would be a mistake” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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