Monday, December 27, 2021

Hide 'N Seek

 The best friends are taking a break from playing hide’n seek. We watched as their mom said “go hide Sam’s toy Jude!” Jude would take the toy into the other room while mom held Sam. Then Jude comes back to mom and mom says “Go get it Sam!” Sam disappears and soon returns with his stuffed bear in his mouth!” We all applaud and yell Yayy! Jude raises his arms in the air and jumps up excitedly. Then we do it again. They love playing this game together. This boy and his dog inseparable. Note: boy and dog have separate baskets of toys. Neither bothers with the others basket unless asked to do so.



Meanwhile his granmma and grandpa are painting on a cold day in Southern California.



The sun is shining but rain is coming. Feeling so happy. We are playing music. Mike is really into the painting. I said I was going to take a break and he said “but the light is so good right now!” I said you sound like a true artist. Neil Young started singing “Cinnamon Girl” and I said “I gotta dance!” He Warned “Be careful!” No wild abandoned moves for me sadly. Happy Monday all!

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