Friday, December 10, 2021

Not Just About A Book Club Reads. " Ragged Company"



Our book choice for December was "Ragged Company" by Richard Wagamese.  This is a story which focuses on four homeless people who share a special bond of friendship. One day one of the friends finds a winning lottery ticket worth 13 + million dollars. He shares his new found wealth with his three friends.  Ragged Company is a journey into both the future and the past. Each member struggles with their newfound wealth, the dramatic change to their lives and the demons of their pasts. This book gave our group a lot of material to discuss regarding the plight of the homeless and different perspectives on how individuals may end up living on the street. We had a thoughtful exchange and a wonderful afternoon of reflection on a wide range of  circumstances in life.

 This is the last meeting for 2021 (another covid year.)  We were successful in meeting almost weekly outdoors for our version of Happy Hour aka "Yappy Hour" for our book club.  We met out doors at a park. We changed our format to meeting for a book discussion every other month.   The one constant of a very uncertain year has been the friendship that binds each member of the book club to one another.  What a wonderful group of friends. Thanks to Jeanette who hosted today's book club. 


 A perfect afternoon and a lovely prelude to the holidays.





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