Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Carpe Diem


You know those pictures that ask you to find 10 things wrong with what's going on here? That's what i think of when I see this picture.
Let me set the scene as I recall. It was in the days that Mike traveled a lot for work. It was some missed special occasion so I told the girls we would celebrate anyway without dad. I made tacos and we dined by candlelight. I think that's a bottle of gin. Anyway alcohol was consumed. This might appear to be a sad state of affairs but in fact it was a happy night. I really always tried to impress on my girls that one must not wait to be invited to a party. We must make the party ourselves and that's what I was trying to accomplish this night. Whenever I see this photo it makes me smile and think Carpe Diem because time flies when you're having a good time. Have a nice day y'all.

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