Sunday, January 23, 2022

Loud Sneezes Run in My Family



 Here’s a personal tmi: I sneeze really loud. I mean it can frighten Mike. He calls it the Jingu sneeze (Jingu is my maternal family name). It’s so named because my sister and some of my cousins can sneeze as loud as me. This morning after a frightening sneeze Mike was in the kitchen cooking. We were conversing and randomly he said “You’re unique” followed by “and also scary!” I then asked “what’s that called when you think someone is giving you a compliment but they’re not?Left-handed compliment.” He then said “I wouldn’t consider that a left handed compliment. I’d consider it the truth! “ he followed by adding “You’re also thoughtful. You only sneeze like that in front of me!” so goes our Saturday morning conversations.



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