Tuesday, January 4, 2022

My Birthday Part 2



 It was a perfect birthday today. The sun was out. Mike worked in the morning while I was busy reading many birthday messages






 talking on the phone with friends and family, receiving flowers from near and far


Joce and Vicente
Barb and Randy

 finding so many goodies on our porch. 


 Thanks to everyone for your kind and thoughtful remembrance of my birthday. Mike and I walked by the duck pond at El Dorado park in the afternoon.




He made me a wonderful dinner: 


roast beef with carrots and portobello mushrooms, garlic mash potatoes, gravy, peas and salad. 




We zoomed with the family at 4:00 





and later had cake and cannolis.




I can truly say it feels great to be “39” (again)! Thank you all for your good birthday wishes. I know it will be a good year ahead.



The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. – Lucille Ball

 From a facebook post from my daughter Aria:

 It’s hard to believe but Barb is turning 39 again! Don’t know how she does it! To my mother, who follows her bliss, wears her bling (even when no one is watching), dances in the dark (even just after hip surgery), always sees the glass half full, always refills the cups of others without emptying her own, always finds the best in everyone and everything, and never turns down an adventure … may 2022 bring new travels, joyful reunions, many more memories!






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