Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Some Birthday Prep


In getting ready for my birthday I got out my crowns,


 and put out some things that fill me with joy: a butterfly to remind me of my mother, a paper umbrella that my father made,


 pink roses from the kids and my very favorite ceramic pot that I bought at the Laguna art festival in the 1960’s. I paid $5.00 for it and every time I look at it I feel so happy.


 My sister Jocelyn also sent me this picture of her around age 4 with our dog Spotty. She looks sad in this picture because her bossy older sister (me) made her put on this outfit because the aunt that gave it to her was coming over. She always reminds me of that day.


Thank you for all your lovely birthday wishes. Your thoughts are warm and received with love. The sun is really shining outside in the garden and in my birthday heart.

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