Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Surprise Birthday Celebration

 These covid years have changed the way we all organize many aspects of our lives. The book club I belong to use to meet monthly at one of the members homes with clever book themed luncheons. That changed to zoom meeting after March 2020. In time that dwindled to once every two months. Somewhere in 2021 on the roller coaster of ups and downs of covid cases we met occasionally in a park with masks and air hugs. It was just good to see one another from a distance. Who knew it would come to this. Time marched on. We celebrated birthdays of members by drive bys, honking and waving and blowing kisses from our cars. Unimaginable, for we who were used to celebrating in a big way. The future is still unknown but now we are all vaccinated and boosted and still guarded but seeing with hopeful hearts a light at the end of covid's dark tunnel. Today was a planned book club meeting in person, outdoors on a summery hot afternoon at our member Sharon's  home. Little did I know that my book club friends had planned a wonderful belated birthday celebration for me. It was the most touching and thoughtful surprise. The book choice turned out to be most apropos because it dealt with friendship and kindness and the ways in which relationships can change your life. It was "Has Anyone Seen Luis Velez?" by Catherine Ryan Hyde.  

I wrote this to my fellow book club members:

Dear Book club friends,   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for each and every thoughtful gesture of love in celebration of my 75th birthday.  I have to admit that is a bit of a hard number to accept but you all make it more than okay to say these years have added up to a life which can embrace friendship in the deepest most enriching manner.  You each know how precious your friendship means because each of you has these very friendships in your own life. We are all blessed beyond measure!  Thank you for your generous gifts for my birthday and for "Galentine's day".  All gestures representative of your thoughtfulness and love.  The book turned out to be perfect for this day because of it's theme of kindness and caring.  Each of you has that in your heart and that is the thread that connects us all.  Thank you for all you did to make this "big" birthday so grand!
Love Barb


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