Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Going To Dallas Soon

 In less than two weeks I leave for Dallas. Sofia asks me every time we talk " how many more days til you come here Gramma?" I am counting the days too. You might remember when I visited her several years ago she asked for Harold the bear to come with me. At the end of my stay she asked if Harold could stay with her. In exchange she lent me "Owen the Owl" . The other day she asked if I could bring Owen back to her and also her favorite little chickie Boom Boom who is one of my collection of left over stuffed animals from the girls. I asked if this meant that Harold was coming back to Long Beach with me. She sighed and said "Gramma I think Harold wants to live in Dallas now!" I had to agree with her and said, "Yes his home is with you and that's the way it should be."


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