Friday, June 24, 2022

Air Fried Cauliflower With General Tsao's Sauce

 Bend, Oregon has a lot of breweries and we found consistently really good food. At one place my sister in law  Mary  ordered General Tsao’s fried cauliflower appetizer off the menu. She said they have had great success making this at home in the air fryer. Yesterday at Trader Joe’s I happened to see a bottle of General Tsao’s sauce. So I bought it with some cauliflower. I air fried the cut up cauliflower for 15 minutes. Meanwhile I sautéed a sliced onion then added the sauce and the fried cauliflower. It was really good. We ate it with steamed rice. I looked up the recipe for the sauce and it looks easy to make so I’ll make my own next time but this T.J. Brand is tasty and would be good to have on hand.


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