Saturday, June 18, 2022

Day 6 Bend, Oregon

Saturday started with blueberry pancakes then a long hike along the river at Rimrock Trail (many people walking their dogs here) so pretty. Then a short drive to the very last Blockbuster video on the planet. My sister in laws bought souvenirs. We had lunch at Sparrows Bakery in the cutest area called “Northwest Crossing”. (Tip : if you go to Sparrow’s bakery get an “Ocean cinnamon bun” they are great!”) There was a great consignment store there and many nice cafes and shops. Now home relaxing. Making great progress on the puzzle. Drinking beer and likely chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert tonight.


Shopping and lunch at NorthWest Crossing

The Ocean roll a must.

Day ends with more puzzling. We are making progress!

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